मेरी बेटी को सिकल सेल एनीमिया हो गया है और वह आपके लेखो मे वर्णित वनस्पतियो को सफलतापूर्वक प्रयोग कर रही है। आपको इस हेतु धन्यवाद।

औषधीय और सगन्ध फसलो से सम्बन्धित प्रश्नो के जवाब-115
मेरी बेटी को सिकल सेल एनीमिया हो गया है और वह आपके लेखो मे वर्णित वनस्पतियो को सफलतापूर्वक प्रयोग कर रही है। आपको इस हेतु धन्यवाद।

Answers of your queries related to Indian medicinal and aromatic crops.by
Pankaj Oudhia

My daughter is having Sickle Cell Anaemia. She is using herbs mentioned in your articles successfully. Thanks for sharing such important information.
उत्तर के लिये इस कडी पर जाये
(अन्य सम्बन्धित प्रश्नो के उत्तर भी इस कडी पर उपलब्ध है। )
यदि आपके पास ऐसे प्रश्न है जिनके समाधान इस लेख मे नही है तो आप सीधे मुझसे सम्पर्क कर सकते है। कृपया पधारे http://www.pankajoudhia.com पर

Updated Information and Links on March 18, 2012

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Artocarpus lakoocha ROXB. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Gnawing and screwing pains in the evenings and before mid-night.
Arundo donax L. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Twitches in the limbs.
Asparagus racemosus WILLD. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Fainting from pain.
Asplenium falcatum LAM. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-The pains are aggravated in the evening and diminish toward mid-night and are followed then by sleeplessness.
Asplenium laciniatum D.DON and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Periodical complaints.
Asplenium trichomanes L. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Sensation of enlargement of the head.
Aster amellus L. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-All joints are painful when moving.
Atalantia monophylla CORR. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Bubbling sensation as from bubbles in the muscles and joints.
Athyrium filix-femina (L.) ROTH. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-The limbs on which one lies go to sleep.
Atylosia platycarpa BENTH. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Debility and heaviness in the whole body as if he was awakened from a heavy sleep.
Atylosia scarabeoides BENTH. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Especially suitable for children, during lactation and dentition.
Atylosia volubilis GAMBLE and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Cool perspirations (around the mouth and the chin and palms of the hand).
Avena sativa L. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Nightly sleeplessness with loping (sic) about and crying.
Averrhoa carambola L. and Lantana camara L. (Gotiphool) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, India) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database on use of Alien Invasive species as additional ingredient in Traditional Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Key Symptom-Stools are sour and there is tenesmus.


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