Q.I have been reading your articles on the net often, and find it very informative and relevant. But this article just is mind blowing... Mr. PANKAJ OUDHIA with a TRADITIONAL HEALER from Bastar(India). This 86 year old retired forest officer discovered a unique plant that attracts poisonous snakes and kills them on contact. i am curious about this plant and how can i plant it in my farm house as i would like to safeguard my house and my child.

Q.I have been reading your articles on the net often, and find it very informative and relevant. But this article just is mind blowing...
This 86 year old retired forest officer discovered a unique plant that attracts poisonous snakes and kills them on contact.
i am curious about this plant and how can i plant it in my farm house as i would like to safeguard my house and my child.

This plant is very rare and I have seen very few of it in wild. We are in process of its conservation. Hence it is not possible to provide this plant. However I suggest you to read my articles on other traditional ways of snake management.

Link to Ecoport Articles on snake management

For your queries on Indian Medicinal and Aromatic crops you can write to Pankaj Oudhia at pankajoudhia@gmail.com  Please write "Consultation" as subject.


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