Q. We have access to an unspecified amount (ranging from 300 kg or more) of Ginseng, resembling Korean Ginseng, grown in the sub-Himalayan terrain. The roots have not been harvested as yet & the plants still stand in the forest enclave. The plants have not been subjected to any kind of pesticide treatment at all, and the roots are of ages ranging from 5 yrs. to 30 yrs & above, & are essentially a mixture of different ages. If you should be interested in purchasing the same, kindly get back to us. You are welcome to inspect the roots, to authenticate the quality of the same.

Q. We have access to an unspecified amount (ranging from 300 kg or more) of Ginseng, resembling Korean Ginseng, grown in the sub-Himalayan terrain. The roots have not been harvested as yet & the plants still stand in the forest enclave. The plants have not been subjected to any kind of pesticide treatment at all, and the roots are of ages ranging from 5 yrs. to 30 yrs & above, & are essentially a mixture of different ages. If you should be interested in purchasing the same, kindly get back to us. You are welcome to inspect the roots, to authenticate the quality of the same.

I suggest you to go for its botanical identification. The researchers at NBRI, 
Lucknow can do this job. After it, approach to National Biodiversity Authority, ChennaiIndia to get present status of this herb. Please confirm whether its trade is permitted or not? After getting this information, write back to me. I will try to guide you in search of potential buyers.

For your queries on Indian Medicinal and Aromatic crops you can write to Pankaj Oudhia at pankajoudhia@gmail.com  Please write "Consultation" as subject.


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