Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia edulis (STOKES) FADEN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-1493
                             कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Rajasthan.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops. . 
"Important Plant Species useful with Mollugo pentaphylla L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mollugo spergula L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mollugo stricta L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica balsamina WALL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica charantia L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica charantia L. charantia in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica charantia L. muricata (WILLD.) CHAKR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica cochinchinensis SPR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica cymbalaria HK.F. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica dioica ROXB. EX WILLD. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica exserta in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica muricata VELL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica tuberosa COGN. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Momordica umbellata ROXB. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Monetia barlerioides L HERIT. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moniera cuneate  in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moniera cuneifolia MICHX. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Monochoria hastaefolia PRESL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Monochoria hastata SOLMS in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Monochoria vaginalis PRESL. Important Plant Species useful with Monotropa uniflora L. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morchella esculenta PERS. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morina coulteriana ROYLE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morina longifolia WALL. EX DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morina persica L. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda angustifolia ROXB. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda citrifolia L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda coreia BUCH.-HAM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda pubescens J.E.SMITH IN REES pubescens VERDC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda pubescens SM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda tinctoria ROXB. tomentosa (ROTH) HK.F. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Morinda tomentosa HEYNE EX ROTH in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morinda umbellata L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moringa concanensis NIMMO EX DALZ. & GIBSON in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moringa conconensis NIMMO. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moringa oleifera LAM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moringa pterygosperma in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus acedosa GRIFF. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus alba L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus australis POIRET in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus indica L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus laevigata WALL. EX BRAND. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Morus nigra L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moschosma polystachyum BENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Moullava spicata (DALZ.) NICOLS. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna atropurpurea DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna bracteata DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna capitata DC. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna cochinchinensis Cheval in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna gigantea (WILLD.) DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna hirsuta WIGHT & ARN. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna monosperma DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna nigricans (LOUR.) STEUD. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna prurita HOOK. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mucuna utilis Wall. ex Wight in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.ROEMER in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mukia scabrella (L..F.) ARN. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mundulea sericea (WILLD.) A. CHEVAL NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Mundulea suberosa BENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Munronia pinnata (WALL.) HARMS in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Muntingia calabura L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia edulis (STOKES) FADEN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia elata (VAHL) BRUECKNER NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia japonica (THUNB) FADEN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia nudiflora (L.) BRENAN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia scapiflora (ROXB.) ROYLE. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia semiteres (DALZ.) SANTAPAU in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murdannia vaginata (L.) BRUECK. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Muricia cochinchinensis LOUR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Murraya exotica L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops"


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